Master the Football Jig: Boost Your Bass Fishing Success
Are you itching to up your bass fishing game? Look no further than the football jig, a game-changer in the world of bass fishing. Designed to crawl over hard bottom areas, this versatile lure allows you to feel the bottom better and increases your chances of success. In this article, we’ll guide you through the […]
Which Crankbait Lure Size is Best for Catching Bass?
The crankbait lure you use will depend on the food the bass eats at any given time, depending on how shallow or deep it swims. As a fisherman, you can determine the crankbait size based on the seasons. Spring The bass swims shallow during spring and fall. At such times, it eats crawfish and baitfish. […]
Square-Billed Crankbaits: Tips for Fishing in Florida
Bass will gobble down and go crazy over a well-chosen crankbait. Why do they invoke such an aggressive response from bass? Crankbaits cover a lot of ground as they vibrate in the watery depths. Dave Boyd, a crankbait expert from Tallahassee, Florida, has more than 20 years of experience fishing on Lake Talquin. Dave says […]
Fishing for Bass and Pike in the Fall
Autumn is my favorite time to fish, because I prefer to catch pike and bass, which also happen to be two species that are great for fall fishing. My dream is to fish for pike in Scandinavian waters (where pike are much larger than in the United States,) and angle for bass in Ireland. But […]
How To Keep The Fish Biting This Summer
Whether you are an avid fisherman or going fishing for the first time, you are probably aware of how hard it can be to catch a fish. The good news is that you don’t have to spend an entire day on the lake this summer with nothing to show for it. Here are some good […]