This unique series of Doctor Spoons is plated with high grade precious metals for a premium quality finish you would find on fine jewelry.
Its unique design allows this spoon to be fished at almost any speed with deadly results.
This double action spoon allows you to attach the hook to the large end for a wide sweeping action and mid-depth running. Tie it to the narrow end for deep low trolling and a tight wobbling action.
Jig it, troll it, fish it shallow or deep this spoon is a killer for lake trout, salmon, musky, northern, walleye, striper, rainbow and browns.
Comes in 6 sizes and 9 jewelry-like finishes in copper, nickel, gold in hammered or plain.
Equipped with high strength stainless steel split rings and jaw grabbing Premium Eagle Claw® laser sharp nickel treble hooks – 3x strong.