This unique series of Doctor Spoons is plated with high grade precious metals for a premium quality finish like you find on fine jewelry. They feature premium Eagle Claw® Lazer Sharp red treble hooks, 3X strong. The original 2 in 1 spoon is a killer for lake trout, salmon, muskies, northern, walleyes, stripers, rainbows and browns.
They are equally effective with the hooks at either end. Attach the line to the large end for a wider, wobbling action and mid-depth running. For deep slow trolling, attach the line to the narrow end.
All our products are made to the same exacting standards, meticulous craftsmanship and superb quality as set by their originators and have been enjoyed by anglers for many generations.
Phone: (815) 469-9686
Address: 1803 Holian Drive
Spring Grove, Illinois 60081